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  • Openbare Toiletten

    Public toilets

    To the toilet during your hike in Heuvelland? There are public toilets at these places: Visitor centre 'Het Heuvelland' (Kemmel) St.-Laurentiusplein 1, 8950 Heuvelland (Kemmel)...

  • Vineyard Monteberg

    In 1996, some 600 vines were planted on the southern slopes of the Monteberg and the Kemmelberg as a trial to see if the region and its terroir were suitable for wine-growing. It quickly became...

  • Wijtschate recreation area

    A new recreation area has been made next to the sports centre in Wijtschate. There is an area for outdoor sports - beach volleyball, petanque and a football pitch, all surrounded by a grass running...

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